Sunday, January 9, 2011


The episode with the flu bug is behind me but the siege reminds me of months of sickness two years ago. Likewise, at that time, I would lie on my bed and pray that God my Heavenly Father would either call me home to Heaven or restore my health. It started the Summer of 2008 with allergy to a cat. Twenty-three months ago, I spent hours at the computer doing Google searches; I was determined to find a remedy. I documented the search, the results, and my recovery in an article published to the Internet. Read about Acute Ozone Poisoning.

The words of the oft-sung Doxology cross my mind many times a day.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Today I'm singing praises for the safe travels in 2010 (and wonderful experiences)!!!! I'm praising God "from Whom all blessing flow"!! In my own strength, I could **never** have executed the trip through the Northeastern states, and Canada (over 8,000 miles). It's a blessing (a miracle) that I'm involved--and embraced--at Wycliffe Associates and the Wycliffe RV Park.

Just a few of my thoughts on this Lord's Day. Wishing God's blessings to my readers, to my family and friends!! ~~ The news media is full of details regarding the Tragedy in Tucson. I'm mindful that life is precious but can end at a moment's notice. James 5:13-15 ~~ Only One Life ~~
Postscript: A powerful message, on TV, by Dr. David Jeremiah.

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