Saturday, February 19, 2011

Caravaning -- Daytona

If there is such an ailment, I have "traffic" phobia. As I write this (8:00 AM), I am conflicted: Do I join the Caravan today and tomorrow?? For two days, I had the privilege of riding in one of the RVs. Today, and tomorrow, I'll be driving my car. The caravans are leaving the Orlando area for the Daytona Beach area. Traffic (IMHO) will be horrific due to an influx of race enthusiasts (Daytona 500). "The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Mark 14:38-b
2:30 PM: The "flesh" prevailed!! I opted to stay "home"--in relative isolation--and work on the blog. Not only do I have "traffic" phobia, I'm obsessive-compulsive. I want to publish... before the news is stale.

1 comment:

  1. Believe me, your thoughts on Daytona traffic are correct. Bike Week is even worse. What a nice photo of you at your desk! D


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