Monday, October 4, 2010

Mistaken identity !!

It has been a windy, cold, dark, cloudy day. Occasional sunshine but it quickly disappears. At 6:00 PM: Seventy-one degrees inside the T@B; fifty-five degrees outside!! At 7:30 PM: Seventy-one degrees inside the T@B; fifty-four degrees outside. However, my fancy weather station says it "feels like forty-eight degrees" outside!!

Mistaken identity: I ***T-H-O-U-G-H-T*** this was October 5th!! I spent the entire day working on the blog titled Six Month Anniversary. It really is easy to loose track of time while on-the-road!! Speaking of "loosing track of time," my watch stopped so half the time I don't even know the hour of the day. Fortunately, I can glance at the time in the corner of the computer (7:55 PM) or check the time on two clocks that are direct-from-the-satellite accurate. Perhaps I mentioned earlier that I can't get TV reception. **IF** I had TV programming, I'd be more aware of the time and date. Truthfully, I don't miss television. I'm considering the purchase of a little radio for some Christian background music. Or, preferably, a small CD player because I have lots of music CDs. I have both (radios & CD players) in storage; I hate to buy another!!

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