Thursday, September 23, 2010

Very happy camper !!

I have so much to write about as I have time. I learned so-o-o-o-o much at the recent computer workshop. Furthermore, one of the attendees has been nicknamed "the computer wizard" and he (Roger) spent over six hours working on my computer. There were so many problems!! Now the computer boots fast, runs fast, and is free of burdensome software that was cluttering it. Praise the Lord !! ~~ I'll be leaving the Elkhart Campground this morning. Life on-the-road will be more enjoyable after my "vacation" in northern Indiana. (Just need to get my water pump installed and operational.)

(Later info.) Thursday morning was spent at the rig of the host and hostess of the computer seminars (the Escapee Computer BoF "after rally"). My computer had a thorough repair the night before and (to my dismay, Thursday morning) I couldn't upload pictures from my camera. It took a while but the problem was resolved. (We had wiped out all the "cookies.") ~~ I pulled off my campsite moments before noon--moments before I'd be charged for another day.

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