Sunday, May 8, 2011

Celebrating Mother's Day

Thinking of my family on this Mother's Day. FYI: It took over four hours [on Saturday 3/26/11] to create this blog. First: Search Google for a crossword puzzle creator; second: words to identify the family names in the puzzle; last: a clip art image. Apology: With more time and thought, I could have created more unique identification for the individual names. Developed on an impulse. As always, an interesting new experience on the Internet. Created on 3/26 and it is only available on the web for 60 days. I tried to copy these files and create a document that would last indefinitely. I tried... but couldn't accomplish. If you are reading this blog after May 26th, the files may have disappeared.

Click this link (below) to access the crossword puzzle.

Click this link (below) to check the answers.

Love, hugs & kisses to all!!

Postscript, 5/07/11, 10:00 AM: I just checked this message (prior to publication) and the puzzle answers do not appear. My apology!! It was a nice idea but "best laid plans of mice and men."

1 comment:

  1. Blessings Wayne and DeborahMay 8, 2011 at 6:19 PM



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