Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Burr, it's cold !!

Only three days ago I wrote: "I'm grateful for sunshine & warm weather!!" I started this blog at 9 o'clock and it was 36 degrees outside! The weatherman said "feels like 26 degrees." I haven't ventured outside!! I'm so thankful for the little electric heater. (I will be working until 8 or 8:30 tonight so won't start until noon.) The temperature may only reach 55 degrees today. ~~ It's very windy, but bright sunshine.

Did I hear a question? Staff in our department will be making phone calls so have to schedule our work hours later in the day. At mealtime we'll fellowship over pizza.

Speaking of phone calls: Via the phone and computer, I've been doing virtual travel. I mentally recall my last visit with grandchildren in Bend, Oregon. ~~ I reminisce the fellowship with a lifelong friend living in Eugene, Oregon. ~~ Ashland, Oregon, is where I visited maternal grandparents. ~~ San Francisco is where my third son was born. ~~ The list is long, the memories are precious!!

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