Monday, October 25, 2010

Rain !!

It's inevitable!! Rain when I attend Teardrop trailer rallies!!!! It rained for days--in June--while I was in the Adirondacks. There was no shelter for the group to gather under so our Socials were limited. ~~ Likewise, the lobster feed and potluck--in July--on Cape Cod was spoiled by a downpour. (Oops!! another blog [date] that I didn't completely document!! So-o-o-o-o many awesome activities; too few hours [with WiFi] to prepare and publish!!)

The "yard sale" items on the picnic table were covered (last night) with a plastic tarp. However, the corners were dislodged by wind and items are soaked. Many maps and guide books were saturated and already in the waste basket.

Maybe I should travel to dry parched areas and set up camp?!?! Perhaps RAIN will follow me and bath the earth?!?!

Postscript, 12 noon: One-half inch rain water in the dishpan sitting on the picnic table.

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